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(Ti-Lj <S ' 

In the name of the i^ueenl I'Ll i 1. 1* >' 

The Temporary Court-martial in BATAVIA in the case of the 
Prosecutor, ratione officii, against: 


aged 33, born in hiroshima-Ken. Hiroshima-shi, 
Furuta-machi, Japan < 13— 1 +-191^+5 > sergeant 
(reserve) in the Japanese army, now detained 
in "TJIPINANG" prison, Leester Cornelis. 

In view of the order dated 5th. April 1948 issued by the Prose¬ 
cutor submitting the case for trial by the Temporary Court-martial, 
in which order the accused is charged: 

that he, in RANJOE-BIROE, at anyrate in the Ilctherlands Last 
Indies, in or about April 194? therefore in time of war, as a subject 
of the enemy power Japan, in h-is function as assistant Commandant 
of the civilian internment Camp (women's camp), BANJOEBIROE, No. 11, 
committed war crimes by , in the said camp, contrary to the laws 
and customs of war, intentionally ill-treating and causing to be ill- 
treated in a way far exceeding the normal exercise of discipline the 
women JOYCE van der Y<0LK and STANS BRINK, interned in the said camp, 
he having first stuck the said girls a number of times with a riding 
whip on among other things the face and then made them kneel on the 
gravel in front^cehind their back and a piece of bamboo placed in 
the hollow behind their knees, and made them remain in this attitude, 
exposed to the rain, wind and cold, from about 8 p.m. till about 
9 a.m. the following morning, which bad treatment caused the bodily 
and mental suffering of the victims: 

which acts are provided for and made punishable by art. 4 and following 
of the Yi'ar Crimes Penal Law Decree, Statute Book 1946 no. 45; 

In view of the summons and writ of 9th April 1948 whereby the 
accused is called upon to appear at 8.30 am on Lionday, 19th April 1948, 
at the sitting of the Temporary Court-martial in BATAVIA, holding 
its session in the building of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands 
East Indies, no. 1 Y/aterlooplein; 

In view of the demand by the Prosecutor, read out and then 
handed to the Court-martial, to the effect that the aforesaid Temporary 
Court-martial shall declare the accused guilty of the war crime: 

"Bad treatment of interned civilians" and on that account sentenci 
him to five years * imprisonment : 

In view of the documents of the case,in so far as use was made 
of them and they shov/n to and seen by the accused; 

In view of that which v/as put forward in his defence by the 
accused and his counsel; 

Considering that at the sitting the accused has declared in 

I admit that at the time and place mentioned in the charge 
I carried out the function of assistant-commandant of Civilian 
internment Camp no. 11 in BANJOEBIROE and was then guilty of ill- 
treatment of the interned girls, JOYCE van der Y10LK and STANS BRINK, 
but this was not as serious as specified in the charge . 

They having infringed the greeting order and struck a sentry 
on duty I gave them two or three blows on the shoulder with a 50cm. 
long dog-whip, then had their hands/ tied behind their back with 
a bit of cord and placed them in a kneeling position in front of 
the guard-room. This took place at about 7 p.m. Towards 10.^'clock 
that same evening before going to sleep I ordered a Heiho (an 
Indonesian volunteer) to v.ake me at mid-night because I intended 
to release the girls then. The Heiho did not follow my orders how¬ 
ever, with the result that I slept on until next morning and so the 


of the guard- room, their hunds bound 


- 2 - 


girls being punished remained out of doors all night. I released 
them at once and had coffee anc bread given to them. 

I deny having had a bamboo stick put in the hollow behind 
the girls' knees. 

I punished them in order to avoid the matter being taken 
before higher authorities, for the girls would then certainly have 
been punished by a length^period in the cells lor what they had done. 

Considering that at the sitting the accused was then shown 
the statements made during the general investigation by the follo¬ 
wing witnesses, who confirmed their statements on oath and in 
substance have declared: 

Ist.witness - tlrs. H.J.W. RUYl'ER n6e CASSt (dated ifcth December 1947 
no. 21464/R): 

" After being beaten the girls had their hands tied behind 
their back with a thick bit of cord and they were made to kneel 
down outside the guard hut in front of the guard. This lasted from 
about 7 p.m. till 9 o'clock the following morning. It rained that 
night and the girls were wet through, their hands were swollen and 
blue, their knees also, so that they could no<T feel their legs any 
longer and had to walk between Mrs Prins and me. 

ISHIKAV/A himself beat the girls". 

2nd. witness - Miss J. van der WOLK (dated l6th. December 1947 no. 

"The Jap accompanied us with a dog-whip he had taken from 
the wall. He gave STAR'S and me in turns a few cuts on the face with 
it. STANS and I then had to kneel down on the gravel right in 
front of the guard and a Heiho (the same one who had beaten us 
in the morning) put a long bamboo in the hollow behind STANS'- and 
my knees, while the Heiho tied our hands at the wrist with a cord 
behind our back. All this was done by the Jap's instructions. We 
had to remain in this attitude till about 9 o'clock next day. He 
often used to hit people with his hand and was gruff and surly." 

3rd. witness - LIrs. h'. van R03SUM DUCKXRTTEL n6e RUITENBLRG 
(dated 17th. January 194b no. 22277/R) 

"Towards evening, or perhaps earlier that day, I went to 
f the guard to see what was true of the story.I saw both girls kneeling 

on the ground 5 metres away with their hands tied on their back 
and a bamboo in the hollow behind the knees. As a result of this I 
went at about 10 o'clock that evening with a lady whose name I don't 
remember but who was the head of Jo's block, to the Japanese Comman¬ 
dant's office and I asked him if he would forgive the girls who 
v/ere being punished. The Jap was ISHIKAAA .' 

Next morning at 7 o'clock I saw them still kneeling. I 
think they were already lying on one side with their arms bound 
behind their back. I do not remember whether the bamboo was still 
behind their kees. 

ISKIKAY/A never hit people and treated us fairly reasonably. 
At least he never acted in a bullying and cruel way and himself al¬ 
ways set an example in the work." 

Considering that the Court, in spite of the accused's 
denial of being guilty of the ill-treatment of JOYCE van der Y.’OLK and 
STANS BRINK to the extent with which he is charged, considers it 
legally and convincingly proved by the indications contained in the 
witnesses' statements, taken in connection one with the other, that 
the accused at the time and place as specified in the indictment 
fulfilled the function of assistant-commandant in the Civilian 
Internment Camp no. 11 in BANJOEBIROL, and as a subject of the 
enemy power Japan was guilty of the acts with which he is charged; 


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Considering that these fully proved acts constitute the war 
crime to be qualified further on, provided for and made 
punishable by art. 1 of the Definition of Vlar Crimes Decree 
(Statute Book 1946 no. 44) in conjunction with art. 4 of the 
'•ar Crimes Penal Law Decree (Statute Book 1946 no. 45), 
wherefore the accused must be declared guilty thereof and 
sentenced on that account: 

Considering that the war crime committed by the accused 
is in its nature serious, but that opposed to it can be set 
the fact that it has not appeared that during his term of office 
in Camp no. 11 in BAI.DJOEBIROE the accused carried out, or 
caused to be carried out, any other ill-treatment and that 
according to witness tors. to. van ROSSUto DUCKATTEL n6e RUITEN- 
BURG, he treated the internes in a fairly humane ways 

Considering that the Court-martial, taking into account 
the afore said fact# and circumstances and the circumstance 
that, according to the Prosecutor, the accused has already 
been in custody since 22nd. February 1946, judges a sentence 
of three years * imprisonment to be correctly poportioned to 
the gravity of the crime committed by the accused and his 
guilt thereof, and considers the demand of 5 years made by 
the Prosecutor to be too heavy; 

In view of the provisions of law quoted above and of 
Statute Book 1946 no. 74; 

Adplpigterjpg. tfre J,?w: 

Declares the accused named at the head of this, 


guilty of the war crime with which he has been charged: 

"Bad treatment of interned civilians." 

Sentences him on that account to THRKE YEARS' imprisonment 

Sentence passed on 19th. April 1948 by 

Col. Dr. J.H. PETER President 

1st. Lieut. R. ROOSEGAARDE- ) 

BISSCHOP ) toembers 

1st. Lieut. J.A. SCHWANTJE ) 

in the presence of 

A.V. de 1EAU, ’..'arrant officer 1st. class, Secretary^ 
summed up and decreed 22nd April 1948. 

Noted by me: 

The Secretary, The President, 

S/ A.V. de IEAU S/ J.H. PETER 



Fiat of execution of the above sentence granted this day, 7th 
toay 1946, by me Dr. to.A.F. ZWAGER, Resident, Head of the 
Temporary Administration, BATAVIA. 

The Resident, Head of the Temporary 
/‘.dministration, BATAVIA, 




Pronounced at the sitting of the Temporary Court-martial 
on 11th May 1946 by Lt. Col. Dr. J. la RIVIERE, president, 
Major Dr. L.F. de GROCT, 1st. Ileut. Dr. A. UYT den BOGAARD, 
members, the president, Col. Dr. J.H. PLTER and members, 

R. ROOSEGAARDE BIS6CH0P and J.A. SChl/ANTJE being prevented 
by other official duties from being present, in the presence 
of 1st. Lieut. Dr. W. GEURTS, secretary, Dr. J. DIEPHUIS, pro¬ 
secutor, the accused and his counsel. 

Noted by me: 
The Secretary, 

The President, 

S/ J. La RiviSre. 

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